Thursday, August 25, 2011

Outlandish But Sexy Valentines Costumes

So Halloween is normally the one holiday where woMen like to be a minute more risque and uninhibited when it comes to what they wear. After all, its supposed to be a costume anyway. Most of these, like guy's costumes, fall into some pretty predictable areas. Still, human ingenuity never ceases to amaze so check out a few of these unquestionably out there examples of Valentines costumes.

Iron Man


Yea, Iron man is probably one of the least feminine super heroes yet we've figured out a way to make Iron man into a costume for a girl complete with red mini-skirt and head piece. Don't ask me how citizen are going to be able to tell this is Iron Man though.

Outlandish But Sexy Valentines Costumes

Big Bird

Big Bird is supposed to be for kids to learn their Abcs! Now its also for woMen who want to flaunt their stuff but without the imMense bird costume. The only thing imMense about this costume is the number of imagination it takes away.

Ninja Turtle

Everybody's beloved Pizza scarfing turtles are now back but instead of a turtle shell and martial arts equipment, this one wears a tight suit and very low cleavage. The Ninja Turtles have never looked this good and we can't wait for Sexy Shredder!

I think the moral of the story is it doesn't matter what the theme is, citizen will outline out a way to turn it into sexy costumes for occasions like Halloween and Valentines Day. Even if they're a minute on the unconventional side...

Outlandish But Sexy Valentines Costumes

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Adult Halloween Costume Ideas That Will Help You Win Your Costume Contest

Halloween parties are a great place to show off your creativity and imagination. Many night clubs and bars throw spectacular Halloween parties and some even offer cash prizes for the best costume. Let your imagination run wild and a minute naughty this year and you can come home Halloween night with more than a hangover, you might have some cash in your pocket from your great costume.

Adult Halloween costumes can be a minute more risque than the costumes that you wore when you were a young child. An old time favorite is the pregnant nun. All you need is a habit and a pillow and you can be the laugh of the Party. You might want to put on extra makeup so that you look as irreverent as the condition that you are in. If your husband or boyfriend goes with you they can Dress up like a priest. If you want to well go over board you can display plastic fake breasts on the face of the habit. The minister can even carry a paddle or whip.


Another great adult Halloween costume idea is the pimp and ho. You can get as outlandish with this costume as you want to. For the pimp you can go to a retro Clothes store or if you are old enough, dig into your closet to find a freedom suit or a bowler cap. Make you costume as outlandish as you want. Consist of fur and feathers to look as customary as you can. You might want to get grandpa's cane to make a pimp cane. Cover the head in aluminum foil or spray paint gold or silver to give it that authentic look. You can buy a fake gold tooth from any novelty store or magazine. This would be the exquisite touch to your pimp costume. For the lady, you can Dress as naughty as your modesty allows. Fish net stockings and leather make great combinations. You might want to convert your hAir color or buy an postponeMent to make your hAir look totally different. High heels are a specific as you close out your hooker ensemble.

Adult Halloween Costume Ideas That Will Help You Win Your Costume Contest

Other costumes can be sexual or carnal in nature. A favorite is the 'I Dream of Genie' costume that can be very revealing. Take some historical figures and spice them up some. Wear something spicy that you would never in social or on the streets.

When Mental of ideas for adult Halloween costumes, think of something face the ordinary. You are nearby adults so do not be shy. Whether the costume is sexually oriented or steps on the toes of the religious, it is a stateMent of fun. Do not think that you would be judged for going face the boundaries of normality. That is what Halloween is for. It is for doing things that you would not ordinarily do. You can dress and act any way you wish as long it is within the boundaries of the law. So get wild and use some of these ideas or create some that are your own. Halloween can be just as fun for adults as it is for kids.

Adult Halloween Costume Ideas That Will Help You Win Your Costume Contest

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Exorcising Yourself of Emotional Vampires

You may not have heard the term before, but it is practically unavoidable you have dealt with at least one emotional vampire in your life. These habitancy are deceptively charming, gorgeous and seductive, yet emotionally exhausting.

Emotional vampires are egotistical, manipulative, jealous, demanding, and self-serving. They are able to gain your friendship very quickly, then exploit it in every way they can to rob you of your own emotional energy. This person will take advanTAGe of anything in order to feed his or her own emotional needs. They will focus on the negative aspects of any situation, rather than enjoy the unavoidable ones.


Any self-improveMent schedule discusses the significance of de-cluttering your life to cut your stress level. This includes ridding yourself of unhealthy relationships as well. Learn to protect your own happiness and emotional well being by being able to recognize these emotional predators so you can remove their negative influences from your life. Even though emotional vampires pretend to be your best friend in the world, they are parasites that feed on your well-being and happiness, robbing you of your vitality and enthusiasm for life.

Exorcising Yourself of Emotional Vampires

Types of Vampires
In dealing with emotional vampires, you may run across a variety of negative, self-destructive, or socially unacceptable behaviors. Your emotional vampire may be a drama queen, blowing every puny problem out of proportion until it has the appearance of a major catastrophe.

There are those who love to be dramatic, displaying emotional outbursts and will do anything it takes to be noticed. Irresponsible behaviors and unusual, outlandish looks can be found with this type of person.

An overly jealous or prejudiced person can drain you emotionally by constantly seeking proof of anything that is told to them, and is highly suspicious of other peoples' motives. Then there is the obsessive person who drives him or herself to the brink of insanity by pushing too hard, then expects everybody around them to live up to the same exacting standards.

The majority of emotional vampires are acting out in order to try to make up for their own insecurities. They comprehend themselves as lacking qualities that others find desirable, and therefore become outlandish in their behavior as they try to gain acceptance from others. The actions of the emotional vampire are misguided attempts to make themselves feel good about who they are by seeing fault with others.

Protecting Yourself
If you imagine person you know is an emotional vampire, eye them in the harsh light of day. If they tell you an outlandish story, verify it with other source. Be wary of their words, and allow their actions to guide your interaction with them. Pick what you say to them very carefully, and ignore their temper tantrums. Know your own personal limitations, and do not give them anything to feed their already damaging and dysfunctional behavior.

Identify which parts of this person's life are real, and which ones are merely an illusion. Pick your battles with this person very carefully, and always demonstrate the emotional control that they do not have.

The best way to deal with an emotional vampire is to never get complex with one to begin with. If you can avoid these people, or at least keep an emotional length from them, your allinclusive health and happiness will be good off. It can be difficult to do, though, because initially, many of these habitancy are fun, attractive, sexy, and wildly adventurous people. In fact, even after manufacture the discovery that person complex in your life is emotionally draining, it can still be very difficult to sever the ties.

If you must spend time around one of these people, limit the number of interaction you have with them. Keep your wits about you and mouth your base sense, since they likely will not. Do not allow yourself to be pulled into their drama, since doing so will only encourage them to continue their destructive behavior. If you can limit your experience with emotional vampires to the workplace, do so. Once they know they cannot draw you into their fantasies and feed off of your emotions, they will most likely leave you alone.

Exorcising Yourself of Emotional Vampires

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Golf study That You Won't Get everywhere Else, An Outlandish Way to Fix That Slice!

That nasty slice.. The one thing about your golf swing that you can always count on. That nasty slice!

Want to get rid of it?


Are you willing to take some time to get it done once and for all at the risk of a few blisters on your pinky?

Golf study That You Won't Get everywhere Else, An Outlandish Way to Fix That Slice!

Ok, here is the most commonly seen move in a golf swing that produces the slice that you have grown so comfortable with.

It is almost always caused by an "over the top swing path" this causes the club to tour from surface the target line to inside the target line after impact, it puts a serious right to left spin on the ball. And the harder you swing the more spin you will get. And the added to the right the shot will travel.

Most often the over the top move is created because of a poor weight shift. Because, without the weight shift, the only way to get to the ball is to throw the club at it from the top with your hands and shoulders while leaving the weight on the right side.

Try it. In slow motion. You will see where the club goes and why. Over the top. surface to inside. Keep your weight on the right side and gently bring the club to the ball. Or keep your weight on the left side and then as you bring the club to the ball allow your weight to go to the right side, a classic reverse weight shift. But still you will commonly make the over the top move and swing surface in.

Whether you have no weight shift or a reverse weight shift no matter. Same problem, distinct look.

Exactly opposite of what it supposed to be for the most sufficient golf swing.

So now let's take your time here and see if you can result this Mental for the over the top move.

It is very leading that you understand why you do it. And then how you do it.

So photo this: You are standing over the ball getting ready to tee off on the first hole. A par four minuscule dogleg left. You take your weak grip and move into your takeaway.

You pick the club up and turn to the right. Once you have picked the club up some things have happened, none of them are good. First you probably will stop turning your shoulders because, after all the club is already at the top of your swing.

Once you stop turning your shoulders, your left arm begins to break at the elbow. Often this is not so bad but a bent left arm contributes to the poor turn as it, in itself, is an indicator to you that you have already turned enough. ( although not true)

So you stop turning. ( death move)

The thing that this early pickup and the stopped turn does, is that it eliminates the chance for you to generate the "slot" on the downswing. The slot is created by a good turn of the shoulders and the turning of the right hip.

This compound does generate an area of relaxation under your right elbow.

Test it to see.

Turn your shoulders so that your back is to the target. Lift your right arm so that your forearm is perpendicular with your bicep and your right Wrist is in the "trayed" position. Your bicep should be parrallel to the ground or floor.

Now notice that you have a space where you could drop your right arm right down into.

This is the predominant "slot"

If you now just drop your right elbow you will see that there is fullness of room for it.

You must generate this slot.

Now is there room for you to drop your right elbow right down without hitting your hip?

If there is, you did it. If not turn some more.

This slot is never there if you just pick up the club and don't turn enough. Trust this, you must have the slot.

The belief that you have to have an upright swing is not correct. There is someone else method.

I will call it flat, short and powerful.

You see, the mechanics of the golf swing always remain the same. The guess for this is that there is no way to avoid this fact: our body parts all all connected. So that if we move one part someone else part will also move. It is not possible to move one singular part of your body without spicy someone else part.

If we know this, we can use it to our advanTAGe in production a useful and sufficient golf swing.

It's kinda like the leg bone associated to the knee bone, and so on. So it makes exquisite sense to make an effort to understand what is associated to what and how the parts will move and why.

Here is an example. If I move my left hip while the downswing so that it slides toward the target and stay on my right side, my left shoulder will move up, my right shoulder will move down, the bottom of my spine will go with the hip and the top of my spine will move away from the target, backwards.

This is all because I didn't bump and turn my hip, and stayed on my right side. The result as far as a golf swing goes is a thin hit or the infamous worm burner. It's because the spine angle changed due to the hip slide, the spine went back away from the target and this changed the downswing to an up swing at impact.

The point here is just to know why body parts conduce to the success of the swing and how. Or not!

Alrighty then. How to fix the slice and not have to think about all this.

The upright swing, or the more contemporary classic swing is what is more commonly taught on the institution tees across America.

Let's try something totally different.

Instead of your hands being high and above your shoulders, let's keep them below your shoulders on your backswing. Low and nearby yourself. Flat. Flat as a pancake.

Take the club to the inside and turn your left shoulder fully under your chin. Do not allow your hands to get above your shoulder. They will go behind you. Your right elbow will be behind you too.

Your left shoulder will go under you chin and you will feel tension and pulling of your shoulder and upper back. This is good!

This backswing will be decidedly shorter than you may be acustomed to. This also is good.

You will have created an exquisite slot with minuscule effort. Make sure you have some weight on your right leg.

Now if you are in the strict position, turn your shoulders back to the left while allowing the arms and hands to just go along for the ride. Turn with speed and power. Arms and hands going toward the ball.

If you have ever played baseball, this will feel very well-known to you. If you have never played baseball, now is a good time to fantasize what hitting a baseball should feel like.

This flat, short and grand swing is use by many Pga players and is so uncomplicated it is scary.

Try it. Caution. Don't get too far inside on the takeaway. And remember to make an aggressive move on the downswing.

If you do this correctly, it is almost impossible to hit a slice. But you can do it wrong and nothing changes for you.

Just give it a try. Nothing ventured.

Golf study That You Won't Get everywhere Else, An Outlandish Way to Fix That Slice!

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Gas Prices Expose Rampant Capitalism

The outrageous payout to retiring Exxon-Mobil Ceo Lee Raymond of 400 million Dollars along with addition gas prices points to the insanity of out-of-control capitalism.

Mr. Raymond will walk away with the predicted sum because he has led the business to, well, predicted profits. Exxon-Mobil reportedly took in about 36 billion Dollars in profits the old year. Thus, Ol' Ray "deserves" the payola.


Of course, in "real life," such a predicted amount of profit can only come by greed, deceit, and price-gouging. This has come to be the way for modern-day capitalism in America. The midpoint American making his ,000 or so a year can in no way recapitulate to the outlandish sums of money being discussed. He is nothing more than a target for destruction. Be it at the Job or at the pump, "Joe Sixpack" has come to be a meaningless fool paying for the outlandish luxury of the few.

Gas Prices Expose Rampant Capitalism

There is now talk of cracking down on insane profits by oil companies. Whatever is best than nothing. Taking at least some of that profit and re-distributing it back to lower prices is at least a start in the right direction. Let us not be fooled, though. Gas prices will stay high maybe for good. America has sucked up so much oil over the years and can't get enough of gas-guzzling Suvs that it is time to pay the piper. Other nations like China and India are slowly becoming world powers and the need for vigor follows such a pursuit. Thus, more and more habitancy are finding for oil. More inquire will mean higher prices-particularly if the same amount of oil is being found.

It is now pretty safe bet when habitancy are "left to their own devices," bad things often follow. Rampant capitalism is destroying America. Yes, it has done many good things. But that was also when there were checks and balances on that ideas along with a pride in being American. Now it is all about "screwing your fellow man;" not exactly religious in tone.

For those who "pray" to capitalism and look at 400 million dollar payouts as a good thing, remember this: Many of these alleged capitalists walking away with this kind of money are Whatever but capitalists. They are opportunists. When things are going well for them they speak of competition and the attractiveness of a capitalist system. However, when things go bad, like the Airline industry, Watch these same habitancy suddenly come to be socialists finding for massive governMent handouts. Talk about a scam.

The "America Way" was built on a capitalist ideas with compassion for its workers and people. Now we have a sort of "Frankenstein capitalism" where India and China are viewed as alternatives to the American worker. When it is never enough, only bad things can happen.

Gas Prices Expose Rampant Capitalism

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Outlandish Stories of Bail Bonds in Las Vegas

Criminal drama and outlandish bail bonds stories have been synonymous with Las Vegas. Even with a name like Sin City, some of the new headlines are hard to believe. In 2010, an online gambling tycoon's arrest, a bondsman arrested in connection with an attempted murder plot and a doctor accused of masturbating in a casino all became new stories.

A well known previous bail bondsman, who was released from jail after serving time for conspiracy to commit a crime and battery with huge physical harm, is now running for sheriff of Clark County. Clark County jail is the same place the previous Las Vegas bail bondsman was held after pleading guilty in an incident relating to the plot to harm his previous bail bond business co owner.


While in Sin City, a previous payMent processing tycoon, was arrested for charges of money laundering in connection with his previous online gambling business. He appeared at a bail hearing in Las Vegas and was granted bail. However, he still sits in a Las Vegas jail because a New York court upset with the previous bail hearing ruled that he must now stay incarcerated while the trial. His potential financial means and foreign citizenship have the New York court fearing a potential flight risk.

Outlandish Stories of Bail Bonds in Las Vegas

A healing doctor was recently arrested for assertedly masturbating in front of three female university students while in a strip casino elevator. While this is obviously weird, the following drama that ensued makes the event even more outrageous. The doctor, while free on a 00 bond, was then arrested in Arizona in what authorities are saying is a plan to intimidate witnesses of the elevator incident. After studying the doctor was perhaps in Arizona to commit arson, the court rescinded the doctor's bail and he now sits in jail.

Crime and stories of wild bail bonds in Las Vegas have filled the new news. Zany and crazy tales seem to be the norm in this part of Southern Nevada. If they weren't, we wouldn't call it Sin City.

Outlandish Stories of Bail Bonds in Las Vegas

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