Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Gas Prices Expose Rampant Capitalism

The outrageous payout to retiring Exxon-Mobil Ceo Lee Raymond of 400 million Dollars along with addition gas prices points to the insanity of out-of-control capitalism.

Mr. Raymond will walk away with the predicted sum because he has led the business to, well, predicted profits. Exxon-Mobil reportedly took in about 36 billion Dollars in profits the old year. Thus, Ol' Ray "deserves" the payola.


Of course, in "real life," such a predicted amount of profit can only come by greed, deceit, and price-gouging. This has come to be the way for modern-day capitalism in America. The midpoint American making his ,000 or so a year can in no way recapitulate to the outlandish sums of money being discussed. He is nothing more than a target for destruction. Be it at the Job or at the pump, "Joe Sixpack" has come to be a meaningless fool paying for the outlandish luxury of the few.

Gas Prices Expose Rampant Capitalism

There is now talk of cracking down on insane profits by oil companies. Whatever is best than nothing. Taking at least some of that profit and re-distributing it back to lower prices is at least a start in the right direction. Let us not be fooled, though. Gas prices will stay high maybe for good. America has sucked up so much oil over the years and can't get enough of gas-guzzling Suvs that it is time to pay the piper. Other nations like China and India are slowly becoming world powers and the need for vigor follows such a pursuit. Thus, more and more habitancy are finding for oil. More inquire will mean higher prices-particularly if the same amount of oil is being found.

It is now pretty safe bet when habitancy are "left to their own devices," bad things often follow. Rampant capitalism is destroying America. Yes, it has done many good things. But that was also when there were checks and balances on that ideas along with a pride in being American. Now it is all about "screwing your fellow man;" not exactly religious in tone.

For those who "pray" to capitalism and look at 400 million dollar payouts as a good thing, remember this: Many of these alleged capitalists walking away with this kind of money are Whatever but capitalists. They are opportunists. When things are going well for them they speak of competition and the attractiveness of a capitalist system. However, when things go bad, like the Airline industry, Watch these same habitancy suddenly come to be socialists finding for massive governMent handouts. Talk about a scam.

The "America Way" was built on a capitalist ideas with compassion for its workers and people. Now we have a sort of "Frankenstein capitalism" where India and China are viewed as alternatives to the American worker. When it is never enough, only bad things can happen.

Gas Prices Expose Rampant Capitalism

Pergola Porch Allen Bike Rack For Car

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